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Davide Franceschetti


Winning the competition – what it meant for you, the impact on your career.

I have a fond memory of the Dublin Competition,  of all the collaborators and volunteers who helped me on the long and difficult journey in facing a prestigious piano competition day after day, cheering up my study days with the human warmth typical of the Irish people.

Any special memory or anecdote

The victory of the Dublin Competition immediately catapulted me into a series of concerts all over the world.    For me, coming from a small Italian province , this gave me the opportunity to get to know the world and for this I will never stop thanking those who believed in me during the Competition.

Your experience during the competition

I only ask these people to forgive me if one evening during a dinner dedicated to planning my career (I was only 18 years old!) I was more interested in teaching the dogs of the legendary Ann Fuller how to jump a sofa!”